Eclipse-Based Object Bench


E-BOB SourceForge Project Info Page - Our project page on SourceForge.

Eclipse.org - The main Eclipse website.

Eclipse Documentation - Useful for both Eclipse users and developers.

eclipsewiki - A wiki for Eclipse.

Official Eclipse 3.0 FAQs - A helpful list of questions and answers for using and developing Eclipse.

BlueJ.org - Primarily a teaching tool for java; we are basically porting one of its most useful features.

JDT Test Plugin - When writing test plugins, we sometimes use the JDT Test plugin. If you check out our test plug-in from CVS, you'll need this. In order to get it, you first choose which build you'd like, and then download the zip file for "JUnit Plugin Tests and Automated Testing Framework". Inside that zip file is another zip file, which contains an "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests" plugin. Put that directory in your plugins directory, and you should be set.

Visual Editor Project Download Page - Currently we're using the Java EMF Model (JEM) behind the scenes as a remote JVM. As such, you will need to install JEM before E-BOB will work. (JEM is currently owned by the Visual Editor project in Eclipse.) There are a few ways of doing this.

  1. Install just the JEM package itself. Recommended if you don't plan on using the Visual Editor, JEM is fairly small. You can download it either from the website above or using the Update Manager in Eclipse.
  2. Install the entire Visual Editor. If you plan on using the Visual Editor, that comes with JEM already, so you don't have to download JEM a second time.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Projects Program - This plug-in has been developed as a Major Qualifying Project (MQP) at WPI. The MQP is a major aspect of the Undergraduate program at WPI. Visit this site for more information.